Project Background
The project seeks to provide the youth of between the ages of between 5- 19 years with basic education through school fees payment and other school requirements such as uniforms, school shoes, school bags and stationery and engage them in extracurricular activities while in school. The main idea being to realize where the talent of each individual lies and then nurture the talents from a very young age.
In rural communities where most people live below the poverty line, education is taken as a secondary issue and many children with talents are shattered due to lack of exposure. Capacity challenges, underdevelopment and long distances between schools and ignorance has caused a lot of children to drop out of school. The coming of COVID 19 also contributed to more children dropping out of school. Girls getting married as early as 12 years and most children being engaged in drug and substance abuse just to escape from the vicious cycle of poverty.
The project is targeting youths between the ages of 5-19 years that is from ECD through to high school.
Youth and Talents aims to educate and return children to classrooms within the three districts of Kwekwe, Zvimba and Gutu so that they are able to realise their full potential.
Kwekwe district is dominated by illegal gold panning (Makorokoza) and most young children drop out of school to join these illegal activities which are seasonal. During the rainy season gold panning is not a rewarding adventure and most of those involved will choose to engage in theft or drugs.
Zvimba district is a mixture of rural and commercial farming. Both these communities are affected by high school dropouts as well as an unprecedented high number of early marriages.
Gutu District also has young people being involved in illegal panning and trekking to South Africa to seek menial jobs. Those that manage to cross the borders hardly manage to come back to support their families in their advanced ages.
Youth and Talents seeks to address the rising number of school dropouts at both primary and secondary schools in the three districts of Kwekwe, Zvimba and Gutu by providing financial, material and psychosocial support. It also seeks to provide high quality education and skills training to marginalized and vulnerable children so that they are able to realise their talents and contribute meaningfully to the communities and thus improve the quality of life.
Project Rationale
In all the three districts school dropouts, early pregnancies, child labour, early marriages and drug abuse is a common reality. A large number of youths leave school every year due to poverty or peer pressure as most will prefer to go and join illegal panning at the expense of school. Low standard conditions of living by most rural families means there are unable to invest in the educational needs of their children and as a result there are high school dropouts.
Majority of the people in these areas lack sufficient capacity to put aside savings which can be channeled towards education and consequently the educational needs of families become casualties as all resources are directed towards meeting basic needs such as shelter and food. All problems are pivoting on the deteriorating industrial sector performance in the country and negative climatic change. It has become necessary for organisations such as Youth and Talents, churches and government to step in and support these communities.
The majority of the households in these communities have an average of 8 children per household and they struggle to survive by doing odd jobs therefore all the incomes are channeled towards the first basic needs and in most cases they can neither afford the cost of school fees nor have capacity to purchase school requirements. Statistically, over 92% of the Zimbabwean population rely on agriculture with in excess of 62 percent of the entire population living in rural areas according to the latest 2022 Census. The unpredictable climate environment has continued to put a strain on rural incomes due to animal and crop failures as well as the calamities brought about by such changes. This results in high rate of school dropouts among the youths who opt to support themselves early in their lives by joining the illegal going panning activities (makorokoza) or forced into early marriages, forced marriages, forced transactional sex, drug and substance abuse. Further, the advent of Covid 19 has exacerbated the situation as more and more youths who should be in class drop out.
Many youths given proper education and having realized their talents properly exposed in a conducive environment and put to good use can bring a cycle of positive change not only to their families but to the communities and to the nation as a whole. They will stay away from crime, early marriages, illegal panning, drug and substance abuse.
Based on the above situations, it is proposed to implement the project that would reduce school dropouts, eliminate or reduce drug abuse, illegal gold panning through supporting their education and identify and nurture their talents along the way.
The project will ensure 500 youths at risk of early marriages or school dropouts get major help towards their education by distributing educational materials and paying school fees thereby reducing dropouts and returning to class those already dropped out but deserving another chance.
The project will also upscale awareness campaigns on the importance of education as well as the importance of pursuing one’s natural talent and how this can be developed to help the youth live a successful life. The project will also campaign against the ill effects of child marriages and the engagement in drugs and drug abuse in these selected districts. As the parents get help in educational requirements they will motivate their children to get an education that will sustain them in their adult life.
Project Location
The project will be located in the districts of Kwekwe, Zvimba and Gutu. The two districts of Kwekwe and Gutu are all located in region three of the ecological zones. The rainfall pattern is erratic and the areas are prone to prolonged droughts and hence limited economic activities. This results in over 80 percent of the households living in abject poverty and living on less than USD$1 per day per household. Engaging youths in various activities will make them provide not only for themselves but for the families and the community at large. By taking them back into the classroom youths will stay away from early marriages and drug abuse as well as assist in reducing community crime and social vices.
Project Goals
The goals of the project are;
To reduce the number of school dropouts thus reduce abuse of drugs, teenage pregnancies, child marriages, child labour and HIV/AIDS.
To promote both primary and secondary education for the marginalized children.
To promote skills and talent development at community level.
Community development and job creating activities.
To empower families economically.
Project Activities
Educational Sponsorship
Youth and talents using a selection criteria will identify marginalized children from the three districts starting from ECD right up to advanced level providing finance and material sponsorship that will meet their school needs.
Career Schools Development
During the formative stages of children it is important to identify their career path. In this regard, Youth and Talents seek to partner with career guidance coaches to expose and harness the talent of each of the selected beneficiaries.
Leadership and Mentorship
In most rural communities there is a lack of exposure to the global world. To change attitudes and traditional practices marginalized children will be exposed through educational tours into towns business settings, home industries and spend time with friendly communities away from theirs.
Youth and Talents will use technology to advocate, connect and increase awareness that will bring long term benefits to communities. The marginalized children placed in schools will be equipped with ICT skills via the provision of computers to help with their studies and soft skills.
Most of the rural community schools are located between distances of 8-15km of each meaning each child will travel a distance of 15km to and from school every day. This is another major problem that affect children being in school. The distance travelled is punishing especially to lower grades thus besides getting to school late and tired the results are also poor. Provision of transportation is a serious consideration.
Community Education
Rural communities do not value education the same way as those in the urban areas. There is need to advocate community change so that children regardless of economic circumstances or gender are given equal opportunities to be in class.
The main target groups are the marginalized groups in the districts of Kwekwe Zvimba and Gutu. The project will target 500 children divided equally between boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 19. The direct beneficiaries will be helped with school fees and all school material requirements to keep them in school. The beneficiaries will also be sensitized on the dangers of early marriages drug abuse, right to education, and sexual reproductive health and rights.
Other beneficiaries include school heads from the districts in which the project is being implemented. 6 teachers selected to help identify the talents of the children.
Development committees will benefit from capacity building
Government officials and community opinion leaders will directly benefit in the form of capacity building for them to provide technical support and develop action plans to promote youth talent development.
Through awareness raising campaigns and advocacy activities carried out by the project and the youth, more than 5000 communities including parents will be directly reached by this project.
Implementing Time Frame
It is anticipated that the project will be fully operational within three months and depending on the agreed funding structure, the running period will be five years.
Project Summary
This project will include various activities ranging from selecting the marginalized children and community meetings on advocacy. There is a need to provide support to educate the children, conducting student meetings, educational tours, formation of peer groups and empowering the children’s families economically.
Selection of marginalized children
These will be selected from the community. A team comprising Youth and Talents, social welfare officers, community leadership and schools heads or teachers will be mobilized to make an objective selection of the most affected children.
Support of the children
A needs analysis will be carried out so that support will be availed based on each individual need.
Community advocacy meetings
The community being the nearest body to the marginalized children has the responsibility to support and champion their wellbeing. In this regard it is essential to have regular community feedback meetings through community representatives on how to support and care for the marginalized children at community level.
Student Forum meetings
Selected children will meet once at each district level at the beginning of each school term to discuss their welfare and provide counseling that will set them for each term.
Empowerment of families
At the end of each term the children will go back to their families. Only supporting the children through material provisions is not sustainable
Long term support
To adequately support the children their families need to be empowered economically. To this end there is a plan to provide families with poultry piggery and goat projects for their future.
Potential Challenges/Risks
Being a local initiative by Youth and Talents there are a number of challenges the organization is most likely to encounter:
General community perception that values education lowly in view of the depressed job market in Zimbabwe even for the highly skilled and educated.
Competing needs thus education versus provision of labour at household level.
Entrenched traditional beliefs
Health compromised children
Poverty and hunger
The organization lacks sufficient material and financial resources
Community and political goodwill
Expected Outcomes
500 Marginalized children will have their school fees, uniforms and books paid for on a termly basis.
500 marginalised children will have their skills and talents identified.
500 marginalised children will receive psychosocial support throughout their stay in school.
Improved standard of living for the 500 marginalised children and their families.
Reduced social vices in the community
Enhanced economic activities in the area
Community capacities to support youth talents will be strengthened.
More than 5000 community members will be reached with messages on youth empowerment
Heightened educational support to the communities